Colombo Sri Lanka


My first trip abroad, was to Colombo Sri Lanka, therefore I was careful in heeding to advice, …given me, …asunder.

… to have handy, plenty of tissue paper, upon landing …as well as to obtain an empty row of seats, was ‘Definity’! …a major part of my planning.

These extra seats, should support sweet dreams from which I’ll awake, …from a deep slumber, to eventually rests, peacefully, …within the seamless beautiful spiritual milieu that awaits…

That gentle, quiet, ‘spiritual calm’, … beckons ‘one’ to be ‘present’! … thus, as if by sheer luck… here you are, …

… finally in life, … actually, …deep, dab, …within it!

Advice, in relation to handling ‘culture shock’, is to think it all through, … I mean, …to blow an opportunity, such as this, … I would not!

I binged watched, American videos on my player, … ‘I ate a lot’, ‘took walks’, ‘showers’, anything! … just to get through it.

What awaits, is difficult to articulate, …as …ah, you got through it… glad you stayed, …welcome! …leisurely, turn the page …

let’s get to it.

You have landed within a spiritual paradise, unlike any other. If ‘lucky’, you may find yourself, …amid ‘two’ quite different ‘monetary’ …cultures.

‘OLD MONEY’, …hmm …one must be born into or welcomed, …so different, …vastly! a hum, …from the ‘OTHER’.

Interestingly, quite often, ‘topics’ we hear mentioned/discussed, remain mostly in relation to ‘Money’, …not long after entering.

So, … let’s lay back, … enjoy, … reside, ‘if you will’, as the beautiful present ‘Peace’, …of Colombo Sri Lanka, ‘envelops you’, … and remains … continuously limitless.

W e l co m e T o S r i L a n k a!

Sri Lanka has a rich colonial heritage, and is consumed with diverse races, cultures, and religions. Sri Lanka is well known especially for its tea, that is very tasty, and usually served with milk and sugar.

The food is ‘curry’, hot, and very spicy, and ‘commonly/culturally’ eaten with one hands/fingers.

Best Time to Travel

The best time to travel to Sri Lanka, would be during the month of December, as this is the month full of celebration, as many people are traveling home, (from many parts of the world), to spend time with their friends and families. During my stay in Columbo Sri Lanka more than 30 years ago, there were constant ‘beach parties’ ‘embassy parties’ and various ‘formal engagements’ to attend. Thus, in relation to clothing, I would advise having a few pieces of ‘semi formal’ attire handy.


Upon entering the plane, ‘as an American’ you will stand out, as everyone on the plane appears to be from India. Once the plane lands, you may sense a spiritual awareness.

If you have ‘laboratory’ paper with you upon landing, then you are well prepared as the ‘difficult to resists’ food on the plane might have been a bit too ‘good’, ‘tasty’ and ‘spicy’, for some, and the airport laboratory, could be well out of paper by the time that you enter.

Jet Lag/Culture Shock

This is something that you have the strong possibility of experiencing, and the sooner that you realize it, and accept it, the sooner you will be over it. It is a wise idea to take with you a laptop computer with a video player, and a few upbeat videos for a time such as ‘culture Shock’. My favorite is ‘Sex in The City’ with the song, in ‘New York’ with Beyoncé. This video really helps with nostalgia, in just missing the familiarities of home.


The people are kind and considerate, and proud, and pleased to learn that you traveled so far to visit their country. I advise you to put your ‘thinking cap’ on, as the people enjoy a healthy friendly hearty discussion, debates, in relation to money, and politics as well as culture.





Safari Tour

The Van

If taking the safari tour, enjoy the proximity to the elephants, make sure to take pictures, and drink it all in, enjoy.

Your tour will most likely take you ‘apart from various interests’ also among the streets of the local area with frequent stops in which you can buy trinkets, food, and drinks such as ‘cokes made with real cane sugar, that will surely help people in much need. The cokes are a bit warm, though certainly hitting a bit of nostalgia, to aid in tackling some home – sickness, and at a time such as this, warm, though ‘blatantly’! … refreshing!

When, and if you feel a bit tired of dishing out money or your money is low, do not fret, just when the van stops, instead of going in … just go for a walk, a stroll around the neighborhood, of course being careful to stay within eyesight of your van. Consider striking up a conversation with one/some of the locals. Maybe consider leaving with ‘the people’, that book, or newspaper that you are near completing.

I stayed with Sri Lankan family friends, and upon my returning back to the States, I left the young servant woman all my left-over currency, and coins, which of course were worth much more to her than to me. She rejected the offer profusely, as I told her that I would not tell anyone, and that I had no more need for the money, so she was doing me a favor.


As a result of ‘India’, being near Sri Lanka, you will have people encouraging you, or assuming that you will be including India in your travels as well. Some have been known to leave Sri Lanka, on their way for a possible meeting of the Dali Lama in India.


The constant consistency of ‘CURRY’ is marvelous, especially when you eat in the style of the locals (with your hands). Interestingly, you will find it at times a surprise as when eating out with some Sri Lankan friends, it not uncommon to find that when upon paying the check, …it has already mysteriously been paid.

Certainly, there will be times when you really feel a home – sickness for the food of your home country. During times of nostalgia, for a taste of home…

A Few Popular International Restaurants





Popular Lodging




Excursions Popular Tours

1 Week

2 Weeks

3 Weeks


A must visit! …is to Kandy.

Beaches – Feel comfortable enjoying the beach and try to accept the pleasant purchase of a drink, that is offered to you while reclining on the beach, from time to time.




Safari Tours

Jewelry Shops


Currency – ‘Rupee’

Beach – A nice run on the beach might cause a few locals to stare.

Bags Checked – every time entering a store.


Three Weeks in Sri Lanka


[DAY 1]




[DAY 2]




[Day 3]




The End…